To A Generation
We are the hands that grasp at this crumbling world,
picking up the pieces and making them shiny again.
We were given something that was already broken:
rather than break too and become a part of the wreckage,
we adapted. What was splintered we made whole.
We took up conflicts and saw the beauty in the battle,
found the peace in the peril.
We love lust. We love love. We love to make love.
We are the summer kids. We run after moments
and seize grand gestures like they are thorns
but we love the sting of it. We are naked
in our fear of loneliness. We seek other we’s
so that we can be us’es and then we can be
in love with the us. We are together because
we are bare and we bare our hearts like flowers
to be picked or forgotten. We are the Forget Me Nots.
We are the ones who cannot be fought down.
We will not work for nothing, we will work
for the hardness and the strength that comes
from being free. We will be the ones who are not
afraid of the silence and will be loud in our own rights.
We refuse to have less than what we want and
we will dig our nails into it. We will chase like ravenous fiends
the dreams of our sleepless nights and turn complacence into fire.
We are every heavy breath and every light heart, and we own this world.
We are the kings and the queens and this
is our awful, precious fortune forever.