Me, Myself, Personally...
Me, Myself, Personally…
I am,
the smile that stretches for
across my horizon.
I am,
the sunshine that sings in a child's laughter.
I am,
the tear drops of the sea when the wind blew too hard
…. or just hard enough.
I am,
the tHIGHs, hips and waist of Sarah Bartman, that my future children may stand on.
I am,
The cuts and bruises of my ancestors callused over with perseverance.
I am,
The paintbrush of Jean-Michel Basquiya, painted pained beauty with every stroke.
I am,
The spirit song of Yoruba, made manifest in my quest for openness and truth.
I am,
Oya, Oshun, Ellegua, Shango, Yamaya, Grandmama I feel your love.
I am,
The kundalini curly-qs on the top of my head.
I am,
The rainbow that reflects off of my skin.
I am,
Melanin, the pigment that seats me in the womb of mother Nubia.
I am,
the Swirling steam that rises from your morning coffee.
I am,
The creases that form around my mother's smile.
I am,
The mountains carved by my ancestor's plow.
I am,
The irregular heartbeat
in that jazz riff that flew from my fingertips to my bass guitar.
I am,
Me, Myself Personally…
I am,