The Beholder
They say 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'
What will The Beholders think when they see me?
Will They see my true beauty without makeup or photoshop?
The beauty behind what dollar bills can buy?
The Beholders can only see me for a moment and judge my looks
They cannot see what truly makes me beautiful
The Beholders describe my personality as a mysterious entity
My moods are strangers to them
Who are these people to say why I am beautiful?
The only Beholder who matters is the being who has seen my best and worst
The Beholder who knew me before I was incarnate
He has seen me in war paint rather than eyeliner and lipstck
He is well acqainted with my anger and my happiness
He judges my beauty based on my soul
Though others jeer at my flaws, He cannot
Because to my sweet Beholder I am Flawless