i am not flawless
i give up too easily
i never fill up sketchbooks
i make my sister upset
when i'm nervous, i cry
when i'm sad, i shut people out
when i'm scared, i don't talk
sometimes i forget to feed the fish
sometimes i yell at the people i love
sometimes i forget to use capitalization
However, those flaws built me
I've played five different sports
I own a plethora of sketchbooks
I can console children
I express my emotions
I don't let my saddness hurt others
I don't let the monsters know I'm there
I've loved many fish
I know how to be heard
I always reread my writing
I will never hide my scars,
or try to polish them smooth.
Use my tears and rough spots
to get a better grip.
So when you pick me up, you will have no excuse for dropping me.