the smoke is deep and black inside my lungs
it makes it so i cant breath when i run
yet i inhale some more
cus who really runs anymore ?
running is for the track
and i dont have one.
i kept it in long enough
my toung feels heavy
feels like i ate a whole jar of molasses
feels like my mind is falling off a clif
and its a bad dream
the one where you wake up falling down
catch is i AM falling down.
im falling down a lonely ally where there are cigerate stains on the brick walls and its covered with ugly deamons from the past.
i hit the pavment with a cloud crash
blood is gushing from my head and for a moment i feel free.
free from the numbness of life
free from the constant thinking and analizing of daily life.
free from the bullshit of this thing i called life!
silence is all i hear now.
silence so sharp it makes me twich as i bleed to death on this pavment floor.