Fall from Heaven
I live with two crooked smiles
My lips carve dimples into blushing cheeks
The scar across my stomach creates hemispheres
Splitting my abdomen into North and South across my navel
And I have waged war against myself long enough
Trying to make a conquest of my own body
Declaring victory one day, declaring surrender the next.
But I have maps in my palms
And stars sprinkled on my skin
With so many places left to go
Erudite doctors left their mark on me
When I lived with one foot in this world
And the other still above
But I am neither angel nor demon.
I have enough of both.
My body is where religion and science live in peaceful coexistence
The scar along my shoulder blade curves
Showing where God cut my wing
So I could finally fall to Earth
All feathers and fiery hair
Molting self-doubt
Brimming with luminescence
The world is not perfect
And I am not flawless
But my hilly curves can still move jutting mountains
And I will set the universe aflame