Wishful Thinking
Can you take me to that place?
To that second stare on the right?
Where there are no worries of losing childhood?
Going off to the lake of mermaids,
Exploring the skulll cave,
Visiting the fairies,
Dancing on the ground with our bare feet side by side with the Indians,
Fighting Cap'n Hook and his men,
Where Adventure is born and raised?
I swear to be up to no good!
I promise to have faith!
So can you teach me to fly?
To let me stretch out my hands and touch that dream that has been so far out of reach?
To that place called Neverland?
.... Or well you let me fall?
Passing the clock tower and straight down to the lands of mortals,
Back to the place where kindess is taken for granted...
Where charity is over-run by greed...
Where laughter and joy is turned to depression and madness?
Back to the place where shattered hopes and dreams lie in ash...
I hope you won't let me fall.
I hope you'll let me go with you!
I dream of... of playing and having adventures with you and the lost boy's!
... Is it too much to ask for?
.... Is it too much to hope.. and dream for?
... is it, Peter Pan?