Poems from AxelKimiko

Hey! I'm known online as 'Axel Kimiko' XDD I'm not really good at posting poems (used to write them back in 2nd grade but got teased out of it) But whenever I feel inspired I spout some lines here and there :3 I'm in need of critisism to make the next one better though x3 so I would be honored to obtain your ancient wisdom! \(*o*)/ TEACH ME YOUR WAYS GANDALF!!
I'm Female and a Sagittarius!
Have a likeness for manga and anime xD and also have a youtube account with the same name~ Adeu~
I laugh...
I cry...
I yell...
I love...
Does this make me perfect?
Or imperfect?
Is it my hair?
The clothes I wear?
The music I listen...
Sitting there under the tree reading 'Black Butler'
Mumbling some of the lines
As if sensing me you look up,
Making that...
I staned there looking up at the Moon. His light shining ever so bright. Why? I asked, knowing there'd be no response. There never was. ...
Can you take me to that place? To that second stare on the right? Where there are no worries of losing childhood? Going off to the lake of...