her rape went viral
16 years young jada was drugged
unconsciously undressed
and vicously raped as a "friend's" house
when pictures was taken
of her lifeless body
it fell in the hands of wrong people
who use social networking as an entertainment
to replicate, and duplicate her photos
for people to laugh at
but ask yourself
if that was your kid sister, your niece, your female cousin
how much would you laugh is this was someone
close to you?
it was so sickening that people had the audacity
to hash tag "jadapose"
this brave young person became bigger than life when she spoke out about it
rape is never funny
so why are you laughing?
why would anyone co-sign her being publicly mocked all over the country?
ask youself that honest question
and when you truly know the answer
then and only then
you can get back to me
*please show support to jada-no one deserves to be raped
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WOW!!! I read this poem and was heart broken that people could be so heartless. Even worse, I tried to inform some else about the issue and they said, " Who cares? Rape happens out there everyday." It sickens me how cruel and careless this world has gotten. Some people should really step into the victim's shoes and know that they are hurting and need empathy. All prayers go out to the victims of rape, murder, and other horrible situations of life. God bless all and keep writing on velezjrrobert. Your poems really do open other eyes and change lives (:.
I don't know what this world is coming to that so horrible to happen to a young lady and think it's funny .This poem is so up leafing and really a true eye opener to really place yourself in Jada shoes and that it's not nothing to laugh at . This poem is a lesson to be learned that sometimes stuff shouldn't be a joke but took to the heart to learn from.MVP another outstanding ,breath taking poem which speaks for a lot of people and teaching a very important message