Them Big Brown Eyes
Them big brown eyes – they swallow me
So deep, in sleep
They’ve wept, parents crept
Away from dreaming, hoping young
Not so much as mockingbird sung
I saw, my own brown eyes
The sadness that their world implies
It’s real, although it may sound fake
I am awake
I am alive
I am in time
I am surprised
How do such angels live in fear?
Isn’t something missing here?
Where’s dad to cheer?
Where’s mom to steer, children in the right direction
Families dissolving section by section
In this land so far from home
No – not a home.
Home has love. Home has care.
No love. No care.
Them big brown eyes – they swallow sadness
Restless souls, life in darkness
These orphans. Alone and afraid
We’ve come to someday make them brave.
At six, how are you brave?
At nine, can you be brave?
At twelve, must you be brave?
Bravery is stronger here
Because there is no choice to fear
I want to give my life to them
To teach them that there’s better ends
Time mends, this is no trend, I will be there solid friend
Can I, at twenty, change their lives?
Help them, show them, they’ll be more than wives?
Someday more than lonely times?
Them big brown eyes – they still have hope
Hope is real and strong with might
It shall ignite
Prepare to fight
Become a light
Create and stretch to newer heights
I wish for them, a stem to newer places
Of different races
Be strong, within those big brown eyes.
Them big brown eyes – they swallow hope.
Hope is now their final note.