I will not be silent.
I will not compromise myself to win the approval of my peers.
I will not base my decisions off of what other people advise me to do.
I will do what I feel is best for me and accept the consequences if my choice turns out to be the wrong one.
I will be kind.
I will not lose sight of what is right and wrong to impress others.
I will stand up for what is right and tell others to do the same.
I will give back.
I will continuously learn more about myself and encourage people to learn more about theirselves also.
I will love unconditionally.
I will not chase men who do not make me feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world to be I with them.
I will work hard.
I will not be distracted by stupid things when I could be working.
I will be honest.
I will not sugarcoat my opinions to make people feel better.
I will be sincere in all my actions and do everything wholeheartedly and with passion or not at all.
I will not enter a relationship because I am lonely.
I will not enter a relationship that does not bring me closer to God.
I will not insult people.
I will not make jokes at other people's expense.
I will take the high road.
I will not sit idly by and complain about being bored.
I will not complain, period.
I will appreciate every moment of my life because I am blessed and because there is beauty in every second of it.
I will live in the moment without forgetting my past or throwing away my future.
I will take risks.
I will try my best.
I will like what I like and feel what I feel and not be ashamed of it.
I will pray. Everyday.
I will love and honor Jesus and spread His message everywhere I go.
I will be thankful for everything I have.
I will live out loud.
I will not complain about my small issues while others are praying for the bare minimum to come through.
I will not be the bare minimum.
I will be the maximum me,
And I will do all these things and more,
Because I can,
And because these things will make me a better person,
And I will be damn good.
This is my vow to me.