Born with a story,
that includes all my woman ancestor's strength
that co-habits with my own.
I stand by what i believe is worth crying over
and fight until bloody knuckles are stinging.
We all have a fluid tongue, that waves every danger from your head ,
grace, with which to balance heals on ,
and a smile to numb your pain to non-existence.
Society has misused the extra X-Chromosome.
filled it with stereotypes and jokes that are christened with vulgar titles.
We are an undeserved minority!
God may have made us second only to Adam, but with a job to stand equal to him
and hold our own in battle.
Click-clacking on our cobbled course, woman do bare fangs and wings
,dropping jaws ,and causing all earthquakes.
We are veiled bruised flowers and ripened fruit meant to stop traffic and gain respect
that's more rare than finding a friendly predator.
Wolves whistle through the very cracks of our cobble stones,
viewing us as lowly sheep, but turn running with their tails between their legs at any signs of discarded sheep costumes.
With old age, lessons improve and feature as stories to the little girl, on her sages' lap,
rocking back and forth, and making her beam proud.
She's listening to the hidden messages that will act as a map, so she may