A Friendly Person
It starts as a nightmare
Being pushed into a classroom
Saying goodbye to mommy and daddy
And finding a stranger who looms
In front of the classroom, all friendly
A painful process
Where you are forced to see
Where your faults are as a child
Learning to agree
That screaming is inappropriate
And that disobeying will entail the corner
Rewarding moments
Where doing the right thing
Becomes as easy as 1, 2, 3,
Just what we learned in class!
Now pass me my candy
Building awareness
On who the friendly person is
Who my classmates are
Who are my friends?
Who am I?
Annoying moments
Where you realize that this place
Where you are stuck in for 8 hours everyday
Is full of people who
Fill their own agendas;
Through acting like monkeys,
Disrupting the classroom
Annoying the friendly person in charge
And making them punish all of us
Amazing moments
Where you realize how much you have grown
How much you now know
How much out there that is left to know
And having a couple of friendly persons to your disposal to learn
Heartbreaking moments
Where frustrations build
Where decisions need to be made
Where advice from friends and family won’t work
Where friendly people know best
Final moments
Where you learn how hard it is to be a friendly person
Some who go to college part-time for their higher degree
Some who still pay loans
Some who have a hard time with other students
Some who advise all walks of life
Some who stay after school for long hours
Some who have families
Some who are advisors for dumb clubs
Some who went to big universities or community colleges
Some who, despite all the downfalls, found a positive to each negative
Some who inspired me to become a friendly person
Some who inspired me to be . . . an educator