One Job...May Change Our World...May Change Our Schools
If there is one job that could change my life, it would be teaching--at any level.
I work in a high-school part-time, but I don't have my teaching credential--yet.
It's the best job ever!
And if I could do this on a full-time basis, it would change my life and that of my students.
I love to see students progress from day one to year four.
the confidence level of a student by telling him that I care that he goes to math class
and that I care whether or not he passes the class, may be the only time that student may have heard those words.
new notebooks to the students who cannot afford notebook may leave me in debt
but it makes the students feel special.
sure that I remember the names of all the students I work for,
is not just something to do, it is a personal mission to begin a relationship with that student, so that she know I genuinely care.
Just as a lion feels at home in the jungle, I feel home in the classroom.
One day, I will have my own classroom, where I can help as many children as I can.
A classroom
where I can lift up spirits, wipe some tears, be a cheerleader, set some rules, set expectations and rigourous standards.
Most importantly,
getting this job could insure that furture students have an adult in their corner who will believe in them no matter what
because we've all had that one teacher that made us feel like we could do anything we wanted to.
I want to be that teacher, I want that life-changing job.