My Life
My life you see it, but i live it.
My life it ain't worth spit.
My life I can't do nothing with it.
I cant help I dont fit.
With the people around me.
"You can trust me, D.
You will see.
I'm not the enemy!"
I can't 'cause the enemy is me.
I want to trust you,
I really do,
but I dont know how to...
Why??? You say.
That's a good question I'll answer another day.
Why wait???
If I hold out long enough it will fade.
I don't want to reveal my truth
'cause it sounds ruth-
less and depressing.
I don't want to sound needy
or make you obligated to help me.
I know I have a problem or need therapy,
but what else can I do when I fear you will use it against me?
My life you know a piece of it.
My life the mess you don't need to deal with.