Poems from DeeDavis92

My life aint all sunshine & rainbows My smile, I use to cover my emotions and woes My life aint all sunshine & rainbows You ask if...
I used to look int o this mirror and see things I didnt want to remember. I hated the small ears, black heads, and acne, but most of all I...
Suspicious, what a way to describe you. I am suspicious, too. I walk around black and wear a hoodie so I "slang clack."   Why can't I wear...
"Are you okay?" Do I look okay? what I want to say, but instead I say "I'm fine." I want to share this pain of mine. but how do I do that...
Help me out here. What's a leader? I seem them in the movies. I even heard a few stories. What is a leader? Is she over there, or is he...
