New York Times Bestseller
A ludicrous sticker placed on
individuals who so call themselves,
‘Masters of the craft.’
The existences of masters, require the
existences of slaves to the craft.
‘I am the slave of the craft.’
Unwillingly, I give away, from my arms,
my infant craft I toil to create.
My children sold for economic greed.
With no choice, but to survive this new
world's society.
But, unknown to my sight, but by speech, they
are dissecting my children for gluttonous bellies.
Treating them in poor conditions, letting the
thievering pirates take credit for the creation of
these infants.
Abuse and rape to my creations, in horror
I must stand and watch like a Goddess and God.
I cry, I drop to the floorboard, and I scream, scream,
Scream in exhausting blood and mess.
To a mundane, a very extreme disclosure of a
novice artist. Agree. Struggles of an artist are
no longer existing. That’s a lie.
Never accept the ludicrous sticker, for the sake
of your children.