theCentre ofSomewhere
Think of yourself as a sea. It is not far from fathomable thought to simply conceive that emotions are like an evanescent ocean breeze. Wavering, they caress the contours of your soul, running tracing fingertips through the veins and arteries, chambers and nerve endings of an unfamiliar body. We often find ourselves losing our self. We have become a consumed people. Vicarious is our air, and our laughs are theirs. What are thoughts anymore? What are evenings so long and so infinitely dark that the very notion of time ceases to exist? The word "pensive" is being obscured from our unknowing eyes. We make attempts at greatness so great that in the end we need maps to find ourselves again. Think of yourself as a sea. Follow the albatrosses, and saunter toward the shoreline because they know best. Allow the infinity of sand to fall relentlessly through the spaces between your toes like an hourglass with no quota. Gaze at the ebbing and flowing of fluidity that are your emotions. Find the moonbeam against a rippling current far off in the part of your soul that has yet to be traversed. Touch toes with this liquid universe. Amidst a current of unrelenting fear, turn inward. Become consumed. Think of yourself as a sea.