At The Moment
In the moment it seems
Like it will be alright
The pleasure of the moment
The fire in his eyes
In the moment it seems
Like he loves me
He won't ever leave my side
He's my ride or die
At the moment it seems
Mama's gonna cry
'cause her baby's a mama too
Having a baby while in school
At the moment it seems
Like everything's crashing down
Nobody's on my team
It's a lot worse than you see
At the moment it seems
We have no money
Can't take it away
Have to wait until the day
At the moment it feels
Like eyes pierce my flesh
They judge everything I have
They take everything I had
At the moment it seems
Like everyone's happy
Balloons and smiles
That have been missing for a while
At the moment it seems
Like I have a family
I have support
They've knocked down their fort
At the moment it seems
Like I might die
The pain is unbearable
Mental and physical
At the moment it seems
Like I have meaning
Someone's depending on me
Excited to see
At the moment it seems
It's a lot harder that I thought
Those eyes wont let me go
It's a pain I can't help but show
At the moment it seems
He'll have a better life
More opportunities, more stability
More than can be given by me
At the moment it seems
The doctor has news
His face is grim
He takes away him
At the moment it seems
I have more to lose
I have less to see
I have HIV and so does he