What is love?
Love. Such a simple but complex word that is used on a daily basis. Love that was said should never mix races. Love that to some should stay between woman and man. A love that most people give all they can. A love that is shared between mother and son, sister and brother. A love that exceeds any other. Then why with a love so pure, when a man loves a man we become unsure. We judge, scorn, illegalize their love. We try to pry them apart "just because." Love being the thing to bring others together. Something so fragile that can easily be severed. Torn by abuse, mistrust, and hate. Sworn by some that they found their soulmate. Then why is society so hard to accept, a love by two who share the same sex? It's not infectious, or hurtful, or unjust, but still it brings society disgust. Where words are said that love is defined by two becoming one; otherwise to homosexuals it is undone. If we wish to label 'love' put to it words that are equal. Because in the end, when the day is done and over, we are all just people. People looking and yearning for love and affection, for that one person who offers protection.