senior year series

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You have grown and now are beginning a new life. A life you control.
Time is of the esscense my friend.  It's time for learning, time for growing and a time for moving on.  Make your last year here count. Believe in yourself and you will see what you can really do. 
It seems like it goes on forever then it hits you You've become what you've wanted to become for the past 3 years.  You are a senior now. It's your time so enjoy it.
Sucess is possible. Everything is possible Now is the time you must make a choice. I cannot make the choice for you. Only you can decide your future. Ready, Set, Go!
I've been living like alice in wonderland Lost in an endless candyland.  Remembering who I lost and then Realizing what really did happen.  I've had the time of my life 
Looking back at my life I see people pushing me to do what they want. Getting my way was always hard but I found my way out. I've discovered it's my time now. 
The days are counting down. But don't you turn around now.  You've got to stay on track,  Because you're the leader of the pack. Don't lose yourself, But don't forgetto be yourself. 
The day starts of slow but you just wanna go, go go. It'll be over befor you know it. So make it a great year and don't blow it. 
It's your time It's your chance Don't stop living Keep on Growing Don't look back But stay on track There's nothing to fear beacause it's your senior year. 
Take a look around and what do you see You see familiar faces, new faces, me and you.  It's time to start a new.  This year will be your last and it will go by fast.
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