lost virginity

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A boy raped me Told me it was my fault Whose alter do I run to when he ran through me like a crosswalk   My defense Senseless Derivative of my fences Barbedwire to make the top higher
I hope you are okay. I hope you are fine. You popped my bubblegum. My only piece. But I hope you had fun. You don't have to worry. No, you don't have to worry.   I swallowed my bubblegum 
Daddy I’m a whore You knew the first boy I kissed He didn’t know me Daddy I’m a whore The second boy I kissed did it as a joke
Daddy I’m a whore You knew the first boy I kissed He didn’t know me Daddy I’m a whore The second boy I kissed did it as a joke
Like little red running shoes Dripping with guilty deeds, Washed cean though water-sogged Deep within the reeds.
Daisies fall from your hair Adrenaline flows through my blood I hear your lungs gasp, They inhale my soul.     My fingers are burned by your fire Our entwined hearts have been crushed
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