end racism
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The hate you give may be
The hate you'll receive
You give what you get,
You get what you give.
So often, this philosophy.
And so, molded by hate,
I become what I hate.
Why does this happen?
It's funny because a couple years ago I thought racism was over
It's funny because when my mom told me segregation still exists
I didn't believe her.
Im sorry if you cant relate.
I swear to you this man promotes hate.
If you do not believe me attend a rally.
Just sit there, dont speak, dont be rowdy.
Listen to what they are really saying.
I am Mike Brown. I am Tamir Rice. I am Eric Garner.
I am the fallen of my culture, my color, my characteristics.
I am the family of these victims, I am the friends.
Step into their shoes
Take a step, and a walk
For you shall learn how they
Could never talk
Those across the streets
Thought differently
To their defeat,
Today i've been asked
What would I Change ?
In this big world
so many things to consider