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One more word. That’s all it takes, just one more word and you’ve completed a page.
Dear Writer's Block, I tried to write a song today, but something got in the way. Was it you? You decided to show up again I thought I told you we're not even friends Yes, what I said was true.
Frozen. Stuck. Words failing to form. A story too long to focus on. Suddenly, A butterfly thought. Fluttering around before landing on a new paper. The world fallen silent.
I have nothing to write about I have been staring at a white screen for fifteen grueling minutes and I still have nothing to write about Inspiration is everywhere And I am looking around for something
Dance and writing are my outlets. The two things that make me the happiest. Two things I don't do nearly enough of. Maybe that's why I feel sad, stuck, Like something's pent-up, caged, Because they are.
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