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erusaert I lliw syawlA ,syawlA dniK dna ,lufpleH ,ylevoL sgniht llA dniW eht ,seerT ,skcoR ,slaminA revoL ,tnedutS ,dneirF ,rehcaeT rehtorB ,sretsiS ,rehtaF ,rehtoM dnatsrednu llits dna ,ees nac ew yaw eht ,lla fo tsoM The mysterious of All, God,
A blanket of time covers our eyes. Fire rains down from the sky and water grows from salt. We have shifted. Fallen. Fast and deep into nothing save for imaginary realities.
We are the generation of a new millennium.Be proud?Our title could’ve been better, it sounds pretty corny,I looked online, no one seems to think thatWe’re going to be the ones that save the world
Tumble leaves fall, Grumbles power wind Change seasons all, Climates new begin. Clashing thunderstorms, Flashing lightning bolts,
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