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Despite all the mirrors I've walked past,
I could never see myself
When my finger touched the reflection,
Printless marks left the glass
A fragment of unimportant dust
The loudest whisper you never heard
Sometimes thoughts fall in my mind and knock me off my feet and I'm afraid that one day I will not be able to lay bricks around my legs and build myself back up again.
I hate cancer
My mom throwing up everywhere, everynight
Two years of this and still I'm tight
Feeling of sadness
Thinking is she going to make it through the night.
I miss the green.
I miss the sweet sound of fresh fruits
Falling straight from its' trees.
I miss the roaring laughter of my family
As we reminisce on childhood memories.
Pacing, my current state is erased, new slate, new face, new plate, the old ways I negate, but oh how they linger, oh how they carry on, can one truly declare that their past has gone.