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Harsh, bright light -
A concussion
Ringing in your ears.
Feelings of regret,
Yet of power.
Sorry, not sorry
Never apologize
Dear Ryan,
You didn’t know me way back when…
I struggled to read with my kin,
Mom studied by day and worked by night.
Dad held three jobs, struggling with all his might.
Each breath brings about
A life enslaved in shadows
Long days of one
And time in scattered pieces
Afternoons hunched over
I saw fateful stars,
Not twinkling with lullaby dust,
But searing, scorching, bright
with meteoric impact.
I stumbled into black,
a murky, messy plight
of blurry edges, hollow words.
Like a bad dream
Headache a pounding drum
Nasuea as if pregnant
Dizziness as the world spinning
Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate
so you can heal your brain
It might heal my concussion
But it may not stop the pain
this is my third concussion
It changed my personality
THe only repercussion
She comes fast, speeding down the left wing board. A shot, a rocket, to my new facemask. Blackness. Ringing in my ears. No pain. Lord, I do not trust myself to stand. The task At hand – “Cover it” – a voice far away.