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Spring Prayer of the Lone Tree As though my palms alone could pray, Praying for songs to rise from the depths of gorges, As if I ponder for these songs, Contemplating the tune, simmered all winter,
tiny fragile budclean prune cultivate nurture—precious child blossoms....Mark Toney © 2020.4/19/2020 - Poetry form: Haiku (for you)
Smoke a toke and don't choke.Inhale, let that peppery smoke into your lungs.Exhale and let it out; one hit is all it takes toHave you looking at the world from a different point of view.
Once your parents had planted a nutritious seed of hope the seed germinated and took a shape of a bud bud took the shape of a flower and seed became flower because your parents watered it
i got da weed thata make u ease the cheese that radiates indigo beams dope that lets u cope with reality. in actuality reality may not even be real we r just trapped in a bag and life is the seel.
My Flower may still be a bud, but If I don't get better at hanging on to that wall I'm gonna be dead-headed before I know it.
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