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So many tools
At my disposal
The wings of Garuda
A powerful parrot
We speak back and forth
Discussing our days
When they announced a great war
That seemed to be the end
Pack your bags—
Start the draft—
Pray a last time…
Eons, millenia,
The sky was shining blue above,
all the people one in love,
it was almost as if they never heard of
drink deep;
in chaos.
in terror
there is no limitation,
that is not self imposed
Shivani comes from Shiva. I was named after the Hindu god of destruction.
Isn't it ironic though, how I don't consider myself Hindu anymore?
I don't know what or who I am. But maybe it fits.
We are the people of this world
We are the people of America
What are rights?
Does rights have a color, a ethnic a gender, a race?
Rights are something that is given but yet earned.
My God isn't her god, Isn't His God, Isn't your God. My God has a different name, a different form, and claim to fame.