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Through the cold month A thin grape vine curls up A ruined chimneyStanding in a field, Kissed by rain, Stone and brick Are made the same
We are children in a field of dreams.   Waiting.   Watching.   The floating dreams above us wait.   We watch.   The floating dreams are always just out of reach,  
little brown rabbitin a field of coyotes—hoppy survivor . . © 2018 Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
 To win my heart, cross my roads  To get my love, you knock my doors  Let's to start, to earn cruise  To build a nest within love rose     Adore you much, looking forward  To keep in touch, even one word  Eager to fly, to reach sward  Where your f
When I step onto the field, I forget about my problems... I forget about my stress... Because right now my team needs me. I have to play my best. We've practiced for hours, For the game that we love.
When I step onto the field, I forget about my problems... I forget about my stress... Because right now my team needs me. I have to play my best. We've practiced for hours, For the game that we love.
If I had the power, I would help a baby bird to fly. I would teach it how to use its wings. I would catch it if it fell. I would make it believe in itself. If I had the power, I would help the mother on minimum wage.
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