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You were my dad that I once knew,
But little do you know
the pain you put me through.
I've grown up and realized
That your life is nothing but a thousand lies.
You say that you love me more than I know
This is just to say
I do not want
to see you again,
for you suck
as a “quote” father
this you’ll never
admit, but the
You made me feel,
Like there was nothing I could achieve.
And all my dreams,
We’re too far out of reach.
You broke me down,
And watched me cry.
And didn’t even care,
I thought of you when I read things fall apart
I thought of you when I got my black eye
I thought of you when I ended up in the hospital for starving myself
I’ve thought of many different versions of you
Dear Dad,
Yes, you "Dad"
I thank you,
for the best memories, the giggles, tickles and laughs.
Although, being called 'Dad' should be a reward to being a good father,
I’m writing to you because I fumble when I speak
My words always crumble and I tend to stumble
But it’s time now,
Face the music full frontal
My thoughts float as easily as they do through the water,
Leaving me to wonder what it would've been like had you stayed.
Would we have played, long hours at the lake?
Never forget those terrible things he did
those terrible things he said
the things that made yu cry in bed
praying to only see red
the blood dripping down your wrists
oh alice what will we do with you
Are you ever going to answer me?
Daddy, I know I have screwed up alot, but please just say hi?
Mom a word that's supposed to mean safety,but to me it's the epitome of MAYBE,
MAYBE she'll be here tonight or tomorrow,
MAYBE out drinking, I'm thinking,
this word mom makes me feel irate,
I was thinking of you today
You taught me so much in so many ways
Like how to give up and just say goodbye
And then to turn "love" into "wanting-to-die"
You and my mom, you had it planned out so well
Dear Dad,
You're never there,
and you'd think I'm mad,
but I'd a;ways think You'd have time to spare,
for me.
Dear Dad,
can't you see,
you're the one I've never had.
“Me and my girlfriend are fucking him, too!” she said with an ecstasy hazed look.
At first, I shuddered at her grammatical faux-pas. I mean, that’s just bad.
When my wings got seared off by the sun,
when i free fell, saw the ashes of my hopes and dreams
gently floating after me, I thought I was done,
that the ocean would end my agony
jump head first into the
flaming inferno because he told you so
try not to sweat
when he calls you a pussy
let the third degree burns be a
reminder to never trust a soul
There are moments in the night when I wish for someone to lay next to me,
embrace me in their arms,
and not let me go till the moon finally takes its leave.
My skin,
my bones
are crumbling.
My remains
becoming dust.
And from my
I hope that
your flowers
will grow,
I am fragile.
To look at me you would see a young woman standing at 5 ft. 3 inches and think
“Of course she is fragile.”
But no…
My stature does not determine my strength.
that has never been in my vocabulary
and resentment is all I feel
Thanks for attending my party by the way
Yea I'm glad you caught on
21 and every post cuts deep
Dad, a three letter word for father.
You know, it takes a man, a an to be a father.
You say you ere just a kid, but so was she.So was mom.
every exasperated sigh
is a painful reminder
of how unhappy you are here.
I cringe when I hear you
You are like a machine on its last run, ready to give in at any given moment
Anger too heavy to become words.
Anger, an exhausting burden
haunting my dreams
fist flying in my sleep
anger not satisfied
voice never raised
anger sitting in patience
afraid of what it might do,