' 'happy' 'love' 'positivity' 'becauseiloveyou' 'mentalhealth' 'youarentalone' depression

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Remember one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember make sure to eat and drink your food and take yourself your a amazing person keep going I'm proud of you and live life like no one else is watching and make smiles no
As I lay in the bed I try to cry only to realize im numb Im numb to the crying Numb to the pain Numb to the yelling Numb to the ache Numb to the emotion us humans call sadness
When i enter the building thousands of eyes land on me Are they judging me? Maybe my shoes? What shirt did I wear today?  Maybe my hair? Am I dressed inappropriately? Am I fat? 
I walk the line between feeling EVERYTHING and nothing
The world is getting on my nerves You never know whats gonna happen next Things happening without my will Is'nt it the saddest part I dont wanna sit in dark corners anymore thinking why was i born
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