A prayer
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A gap, an abyss, my spirit amiss
Restraints & controls so tight
So far from your light
The depths above; your fathomless love
An olive branch in the mouth of a dove
By Alexander Thymmons
July 4th, 2007
(then, a rifle platoon leader in the First Stryker Brigade, Second “Arrowhead” Infantry Division)
On Patrol during the Surge
With tattered wings
And tarnished halo
She sits crossed legged
Atop of a rocky ledge
She drops her head into her hands
She weeps
Weeps for the heartache
Weeps for the pain
God to what limit it's too excessive for your love to forgive. Dead Man Walking, running to live. Trying to install the discipline to forgive. His all he's given, Something's Gotta Give.