' 'suicide' 'overdose'
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the pain reminds me of what i've done
all the way up my forearms and my thighs
so i can feel it for days on end
the dark red blood that stains the carpet
All I Ever Wanted Was To Stop FeelingI Wanted It To Go Away For GoodNo One Is Listening; Is Anyone There?They Keep Fighting; I'm Losing This BattleWhy Are They Here To Begin With?
Sorry, I’m n/a; I went m.i.a. There really isn’t much to say. I really wish it wasn’t this way. But guess what, it is! I’m sad, depressed abs pump my self full of chemical after chemical. I fuck up, I steal, I space out and you get hysterical.
of all the people i want to kill,
and your name is pretty close to the top of the list,
the person i want to kill most of all:
do you feel my brush strokes
as i spread the paint across this page
my art comes in words
and my heart comes in pieces
Because of you.
The stark reality fades away
making way for medicated highs
I just can't take this world no more
there's no room here for my Queer soul
Taking pills in rounds of 5
feeding my will to die