' 'fear' 'depression' lonliness

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  I am screaming from the depth of my soul Trapped in the body of a 3-year-old Searching for love that abandoned me My parent  wasn’t there for me
  I am screaming from the depth of my soul Trapped in the body of a 3-year-old Searching for love that abandoned me My parent  wasn’t there for me
  I am screaming from the depth of my soul Trapped in the body of a 3-year-old Searching for love that abandoned me My parent  wasn’t there for me
On some evenings  When I allow myself  to the garden we made Dandelions in my feet  ask me for you.   Uninvited they were at first You remember I hope. Question to the question I ask,
​Traces of flickering light glimpsing over lightless faces lost in the lands they shall call home. Faces, therein lostness, close but not close enough, alone together under an unfamiliar sun, sinking and sinking.
I always love but what happens They leave What stays is me and how I feel  So what if I love my depression Will it leave me too?  
So much depends upon    a lapis thin  jacket   drenched in freezing rain   beside nobody but shadows.
I was like Jacques from As You Like It. Blurred Silver Linings  in  Dark Clouds, Alas!  No one understood me, No one considered me their first priority.   Was I looking not seeing?
Depression sucks. It's never going to go away. Depression is like your drowning and you can't swim up because something is pushing you down, you can't feel anything, nothing matters, you feel like there is no hope what so ever, you just give up.
He would always be laughing and joking  Until he was completely alone The walls would break down As he lays down at night Next to an empty bedside Left with nothing but sadness inside 
Darkness, it's in everyone's life my days felt empty  living a reality that was light years away from what I wanted  I was writing a story that had no happy ending, really no ending at all  
A broken promise,                                                                     too high of hopes, and a suffering confidence of the Lonely child.
My heart beats fast It feels hollow How long will this last? My breath gets caught in my throat as I back away I look around for others, everything is bare How could I ask others to stay?
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