my future
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What are you so afraid of?
As if the more I ask,
the more I will become overnight.
As if a shooting star could
shine among the constellations,
telling me that they're all wrong.
The clucking of chickens
The mooing of cows
What wakes me up
Is what puts me down
It's hard to wake up
when the sun isn't out,
I open my eyes , I close my eyes,
I lay down, I wake up,
Nothing has meaning. Everything is the same.
You mean nothing. I mean nothing. THIS. ALL. MEANS. NOTHING.
Without motivation, my world is a blur
Leigh Duncalf
February 15th, 2015
Power Poetry Slam Scholarship
What I Carry
I carry the crushing weight of Responsibility.
You look at me and see one thing and not the other,two sides so different you could call it my evil brother. one sees the smiles the proper way to talk, the other is vulgar and was taught how to stay hard as a rock.