'Girls' 'originality' 'feminist' 'me' 'small' 'strong' selflove
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"Oh, you call yourself a feminist?"
Just because I had a Twitter to rant my feelings about equal rights...
Doesn't mean a simple thing such as being called feminist
But let me tell you this
As I play with your tiny toes and teeny hands,
I can’t help but think of the future at hand.
These little toes will soon walk,
In lands where all kinds of people talk.
There is this women so mighty so strong
Made of brown sugar so sweet
Don't get her wrong, Cynthia fist you'll meet
like art in muesum you must know to understand
Cynthia words of knowledge
Dear Girl
You are ripe right now.
You are bright right now.
Everything feels so right right now. Dear Girl
You are ripe right now.