'black and proud'
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Let's talk about Black Lives Matter...
It's our mistake; we're too busy being fake.
BLM started in 2013 against police brutality,
An attempt to search for equality.
I find myself within you when you look at me
when our lonely bodies sway in this space
I do not see brokenness
but rather our enduring strength.
They shame us
Into thinking
That we are less and inferior
When they know
It’s more of a privilege
To be considered different
Black yet not black enough.
My in-between skin felt the lick of the Midwest breeze
And my bones – they rose and I fell to my knees
At sunrise, still dark enough for peace
I am a triple threat
Yes I am a triple threat
I sing, do art, and dance with no regret
Yes I am creative and love to express
But being a triple threat comes with stress
You must always to dress to impress
The people of this world are blind to the bulls***,
Focusing on every false thing that's in the newsprint.
When will you learn,
You can't trust the ignorant,
I feel the warmest when I’m surrounded by my family
We live life as if there’s no limitations despite the fact that there are so many
You look upon my skin with disgust
Yet you spend hours of your life darkening your skin by the sun
Why do you risk cancer to look like me?
"One nation,
Under God,
With liberty,
And justice for all."
It's interesting how people believe that those words are not false;
The Hate You Give
Makes me feel
on a whole other level
I have to cope and deal
I see your gun
pointed at my son
My dad, my uncle, my cousin, my granpa
Just because I am a darker skin color
I am not ghetto
I am not out of what's "acceptable"
I am not white washed
I am more intelligent than you think
Just because I am nonexistent in your household
Warm cocoa butter kisses graze the skin
Its dark complexion craves attention
Denial of it true beauty is a deadly sin
But its tale of bravery is worth a mention
My black skin,
On your
black skin.
What looks better
Than ours’
Side by side?
What a
Beautiful Sight.
It just seems
So right.
You over
Hey black boy
You'll be okay
At least you live another day.
Don't be scared of the white man
It's just his color,
Teach your mama, family,
And plenty others.
Hey black boy
The Unapologetic Address By Hannah Hattie McBean
Ahem-Ahem-Ahem-Ahem Skin'n and grin'nGo on and skin that grin
Dear Society, why hate on me?
No matter how I wear my hair still so hard to please.
Dear Society, why can't I be great?
Shall I lighten my skin & lose some weight?
Dear Society, do you think I'll be successful?
To the darkskinned black girl,
You are compromised of honey, cacao, love, soul, and have been delicately, intricately, and selectively crafted by the very fingers of God himself.