Fairy Tail contest
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The boy indeed cried wolf
The wolf a coverup for true intentions
The boy cried for help
Help from sinking into himself
Seeking validation from strangers
Wanting to be seen by all
Long ago, in a far away land, there lived boys who thought hair gel was great and that axe spray attracted princesses. A young girl that loved rock bands picked jeans over skirts was again called to save another princess.
Once Upon a rare and happy ending,
there happened an evil queen.
Once a mother, once a fair lady,
she'd turned a sickening sheen.
Never kind and never trusting,
and always jealous and green,
There's no fairy tales that I know about
For what is a fairy tale really about
An act of Love or a true love's kiss
Maybe a boy who saves a young girl
I've seen it all but not really at all