adult content 18 and over (teddy pendagrass)
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All they do is cause problems,
Cause harm,
Cause drama,
I hate them,
They're an ugly gem,
Filled with Flem,
They are all hate,
Spreading like a ramped disease,
So contagious,
You've tried to be happy,
but you cannot do it,
the darkness is just to dark,
you talk and talk,
but all it does is makes depression worse,
you've tried to be with people that you love and that love you,
What about me,
What about what I see,
What about the way you hurt me
what about the way you say "I'm leaving you",
Don't you want the best for me,
Yes I've had a seen of significant event
I got this most visouse urge to sex ya ,The game got me over worked so sorry for presser YA,Will not have a need to get bezerk.I wont hurt YA leaving steamy notes on bathroom mirriors.Dancing butt necked while the candle lights displays are shado