bernie sanders
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There was a commie named Sanders Claus.
Most youths adore him with an applause.
He gives citizens free stuff,
But critics call on his bluff.
One day, he pinched himself with his claws.
A year ago, you didn’t realize activism was in your near-future. Now, more than one hundred lives,thousands of gallons of water,and many other natural resourcesare saved each year becauseYou choose not to put animal bodies or their by-products on
Dear America
A letter to the country of the United States of America. What are you doing?
Dear Black America,
When America has fallen one day,
When we are at out lowest
I hope and pray a hero emerges
To take it on with courage.
I hope someone who cares a lot
Unties our broken, twisted knot
I am an activist
An advocate for those who don't have as good of a life as I do
I acknowledge my privelege
I am white, I am not oppressed
I am a feminist
Intersectionalism is most important