'death' 'love' 'remembrance'
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A light fall breeze passes over the forlorn field,
Carrying with in an air of lonesomeness, a desire
To restore life into what has been sealed
Up for all eternity
Four fifty nine on a cool August day,
A bundle of pink in her mother's arms,
The first time she had been brought home
Her little fists flew about, and the clock struck five
Some learn between the lines
Some written neatly with ink
Or disheveled
With the liquid of the inner soul
Hidden within the depths of our minds
Mama, I love you
You always smelled so good
Mama, i love you
You cooked, like you were born to do it
Mama, i love you
You always knew what to say to make me feel better
i lay here, six feet deep, unaffected by you up there. A silent watcher, my bones will stay forever, down here with these rotten Memories, Kingdom of a mad hatter.