Poems from umborium

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Hello! Just a 16 year old girl with ADHD who occasionally writes stuff. Most of my poems are from freshman year; currently a Junior and still writing!!
Oh my dear, I wish you could see me as I do Through the lens of my eyes That no camera can replicate, Still I’ll admire the way I look, and...
I’m a shell of who I was I'm just an actor in this performance I dance to the music of my sweet sorrows But the stage is still empty   I am...
I think you can tell what a person is like by their notes. I realized this when I looked at the notes of the girl next to me, They were all...
I've never felt so out of place before And i've never missed being a kid as much as I do right now, Because I can still hear the morning...
Some days I look at you and think of how much you mean to me, How I want to stay with you but can't stand to touch you, How happy you can...
