Poems from tynyoung

Currently I am finishing up advanced training in the culinary field in San Francisco. In about 6 months or so I hope to be attending college for English and History. As of today I have finished writing my first novel and am in the process of editing and rewriting it. I am also compiling a book of short stories and poetry that I hope will be published in the future.
My hobbies are writing, reading and drawing.
Coldness enveloped me that day, like a crusting of ice had formed over my soul.
Everything passed in a blur
I could feel it, the constant...
Nonno liked to ramble.
A fast paced almost jog that was impossible to follow.
Never noticing those once rapt listeners dozing off in their...
For those of you who think you know me I am just a resource.
Something to burn in the fireplace
to mix with another resource and written...
Eyes wide open.
Mouth closed shut
Hands clinched in fists, like the one in my gut.
Whole body shivers.
Nerves too much
I guess this time I'...
Is it petty of me to not immediately name my family?
Am I a bad person for not pointing out a friend?
Is it a sign of not being humble...