Poems from ts735b
ah waz born during the baby boom, that doth now doth rings the demographics with a bulge as if a metaphorical snake swallowed millions of people. now, i meander along the dusty figurative road of life trying to cap cha emotion with my webbed, whirled and wide net.
Aforementioned event interestingly enoughcoincides with Martin Luther King Junior day.
The late reverend American minister and activist,now...
after implementing long overdue criminal justice reforms,especially affecting marginalized groups of people.
I vote for more lenient,...
for enlightening my sensesto the evocative, reciprocativeand suffocativeauditory and visual materialpublicized in The Nationmagazine...
Analogous to fire breathing
puffed up imaginary dragon(in a land called Honah Lee)ye might rightly thinkwhat the deucehaunting spectre ace...
Basking in a supine positionwith eyes wide shutwhile the space heater churns outfast moving molecules of heatsolitudinarian drowsy thinker...