Poems from tinabell4728
I am a small town girl who has found strength through poetry. I want to share my deepest secrets and most brutal thoughts for the world to see.
You're broken my dear
And not like broken bones
You're shattered
Like a glass mirror
Sharp edges that cut deep
Your hard shell menacing...
The door is sealed shut
to lock in the spiraling shadows
that are so haunting at night
The barrier brings comfort,
muffling the bustling...
I welcome
The drizzling drops of pure life
Racing down the window
Followed by the sound of Earth's music
Which can be felt by the soul
You said
That you would marry me,
On an autumn day
Near the water
And kissed my cheek
You said
That you were afraid to lose me...
Just one pill will take me away,
I'll no longer be afraid
Just one pill and I'll be gone,
Someplace that might be warm
Just one pill...