Poems from tim rochow

tim rochow's picture
i write what mind mind tells to me to write
Like a crazed banshee, nothing is as wild and as unforgiving as the ocean, tumultuous, fierce, relentless, an uncontrollable temptress, she...
Find her, You'll have to search hard, Dig deep, Find that warrior within, Use her strength to fight, Stand up for yourself, You are strong...
Half our lives we spend in the darkness, The other half we are blinded by the light, All part of what ever god you follow plan, Some spend...
Do you see the woman? Do you see the man? Or do you just see the gender? Look closer, See their intelligence, See their personality, See...
These are the rules we live by, We fight for honor, We protect our realm, We stand our ground, No retreat and no surrender, And don't fuck...
