Poems from teddybear11196

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I love words... I actually started out writing lyrics for songs and then I realized how much more I can express myself through poetry. One of my teachers pushed me to join the writing club at school and the book that the club published had so many amazing writers that I decided that I wanted to be a part of that community. When I write my poetry about a topic that means something to me it makes me feel freer, like a weight lifts off my shoulders every time and I LOVE IT!
What would I change if I were allowed to? I would change the world’s view of beautiful. How we saw girls today was wrong, I knew. Remember...
Write your heart out Baby Boy. There’s only one thing that brings me joy; to say the truth, to speak my mind.. and Right Now it’s About...
Hush, my dear. Not another word. Do not speak those lies you’ve heard. The rumors, I solemnly promise, are not true. The one I Used to...
I hate the way you hurt me… I hate the way you lied… I hate the way I felt bad… I hate the way I tried. I tried to make you whole while...
You said you loved me… and I truly loved you. You said you cared if I was happy… and I believed you. I asked if you were okay… and you...
