Poems from scared-piece-of-toast

scared-piece-of-toast's picture
blah :)
Teach me to love.Teach me to smile.Teach me how to be truly happy. Teach me how to not lash out and get violent towards others. Teach me...
“Suicidal freak” “School shooter” “Careful, don’t talk to her, she might kill you” “Go cut yourself and hopefully you’ll do it correctly...
It could be alcohol. It could be hard drugs. But, you see, it is neither.   I drink them so I can silence the thoughts that are constantly...
When will the day come that I will be happy with my appearance?  When, oh when will it come? I don’t like seeing this fat, disgusting pig...
It's the calm before the storm. You know, when everything feels quiet and numb? I like to call it the calm before the storm because that's...
