Poems from rexiusm

rexiusm's picture
I have used this website as an outlet in the past and am rediscovering my old works and hoping to post new ones.
when i was four i went to disney world, i remember nothing, all i have is a mickey hat. when i was ten my brother was born, i remember...
one week of school means one week of pain six classes, one day read, work, lift,  only two classes lift the pain, the arts graphic and...
we see it as a mask, but we cannot see our own face but we see others like ourselves and imagine us as the same only some see this way, i...
I am here to speak the truth It’s deep in my mind Far away from me, right in my face Scaring me into submission Saying “the present...
everyone works hard to achieve their dreams, even me living in a houe of 8 is hard, even for me but i wake up and work flawlessly, because...
